AT A GLANCE: Veestro
“We help people eat more plants, we help reduce food waste, and we support environmental sustainability.”—Monica Klausner, Co-Founder/CMO, Veestro
Company Name: Veestro (Prepared Meal Delivery)
Founders: Monica Klausner and Mark Fachler (sister and brother)
Business Start Date: May 2013
Briefly Describe Your Work/Business: We make 100% plant-based meals that are delivered fully prepared and fresh-frozen to people’s doors all over the US.
For What Products/Services Are You Best Known: We are best known for our meals/entrees, and the ones that are super-popular are the red curry, the country-fried chick’n, and the enchilada casserole. The reason that our meals are popular – our food is delicious, and it doesn’t taste like what people think vegan food tastes like. These are veganized versions of familiar comfort food.
Top 2 Business Statistics or Milestones:
· We have served more than 2 million meals.
· We were named the Best Meal Delivery Service two years in a row (2017, 2018) by Veg News.
What’s Your “Secret Sauce”? (Why/How have you achieved success?)
Our secret sauce--three things that make us different:
1) Our food is actually delicious. It’s difficult to make plant-based meals delicious because the ingredients are basically bland. Our chef is a master with spices. He has been a vegan chef for more than 30 years. It’s second nature for him. We also do extensive testing of each recipe—not only for taste but also how it’s going to freeze, thaw, and look once prepared. Customers have tried our meals, then other meal delivery services, and come back to us.
2) We create a recipe, produce it en mass without using preservatives, freeze it and then ship all over the country, and when a customer prepares it, it tastes as if it was just made.
3) We are mission-based. Our packaging is eco-friendly/sustainable. We deliver the meals fresh-frozen to reduce waste—both for us and the consumer. We are able to ship it and it will stay good for 8-10 weeks, so it is less likely people will throw food away. []