AT A GLANCE: Soil Sisters

“We help each other develop home-based entrepreneurial ventures, help make our agricultural community more vibrant, and help more local women step into leadership positions. We have found a lot of power in shifting from ‘it’s all about me’ to the more collaborative ‘it’s all about us.’” —Kriss Marion and Lisa Kivirist, Key Co-Founders, Soil Sisters

AT A GLANCE: Salt & Honey Catering & Events

“I LOVE what I do. I live and breathe food. I can’t imagine doing anything else and I brought in individuals who follow my vision and feel the same, and we collaborate with sincere, personal inspiration.” —Olivia Colt, Founder/CEO

AT A GLANCE: Edible Communities

“By publishing the kind of information our magazines cover, people can make better decisions about their food, and as consumers vote three times a day with their forks, the collective impact of these efforts is enormous.” —Tracey Ryder, Co-Founder/CEO


“Through food popups and cultural events I honor and celebrate the traditions and customs of my ancestors and share them with friends and people who want to learn.” —Anya Peters, Founder/Owner